beniamin@web:~ $

06 Oct 2021 - written by @thinkofher

How to make your Go code go-getable with fossil (or other non-git vcs)?

The post below is a copy from a wiki page from repository. It stores sample golang package hosted with fossil VCS. I’ve had created it to show people how to manage golang packages with fossil VCS and be able to download them with go get tool.



I won’t give you detailed instructions on how to setup your own domain and VPS, because it is not in the scope of this document and folks smarter than me had prepared good materials regarding setup and maintenance of VPSes.

Github pages

If you don’t want to manage your own web server you can just use github pages with your domain. But you still need some place to self-host fossil anyway*.

Fossil server

Follow actual fossil documentation, it consists a lot of practical examples and answers most questions. Remember that you can use --repolist flag of fossil server subcommand to serve multiple fossil repositories.

Meta tag

You should add special page with the same directory path as the desirable go import path. For example: if you want your import path to be you should create file package.html in the x directory in the root of your web server. Your package.html document has to contain special <meta> tag in the head node. According to go documentation, the meta tag has the form:

<meta name="go-import" content="import-prefix vcs repo-root">

Example meta tag for import path and source code located at managed by fossil VCS could looks like:

<meta name="go-import" content=" fossil">

You can add more pages for other go projects with the corresponding meta tag.


If everything is properly setup you should be able to download your source code for project with valid go.mod file by typing go get command in your terminal window. You can also check if the documentation for your project is available at the or


Having your own custom go import path isn’t really a thing. Nothing stops you from using the knowledge and experience from this tutorial to make your project go-getable with vcs other than the fossil. You may also want to setup custom go import paths for your projects hosted at github.

If you want to share some thoughts after reading this post, feel free to contact me.