beniamin@web:~ $



Okrzeja is HTTP web server with embedded database and interactive web UI with builtin code editor, file manager and administration panel. It is intended to be used by educational facilities in order to make learning web technologies easier by giving students (or anyone interested) proper tool kit. In Okrzeja, every registered user has its own web space, in which they can create HTML, CSS and JS files and store them in nested directories. The files created are publicly available, so users can share their pages with friends, family, teachers, or anyone they want.


The long-awaited web service for checking who is currently hacking at hackerspace (or doing anything else anywhere). long-season provides simple, responsive web user interface and REST API, for interacting with service without need for using browser. long-season is fully fledged, you don't need to setup external database or download interpreter. With long-season I was able to explore more advances golang topics like: concurrency, embedding web static files into binary or cross compilation. long-season is also my first open-source project with external contributions from other people.


Multi user web chat application backed by server-sent events and the sqlite embedded database. It implements event sourcing pattern by using internal single process event queue written from scratch. Everything is packed into the single binary, so it's very easy to deploy.


Pazzz is a stateless unix password manager. Instead of remembering password for every site, you just have to remember your login, site and your secret phrase. Pazzz will always generate the same safe password for the input data, that you will provide.


Pants is a simple service for link shortening, builded with go, elm and love. Created only for educational purposes. It provides beautiful UI expierence and simple REST API. It's really easy to build and run it!


Go-blog is a simple web application that gives user ability to write, delete and modify posts. It uses Go and Gorilla toolkit for request routing and managing sessions. Application stores data in PostgreSQL database. In this project I also used a modern deamonless container engine podman.


Unixify is a simple command line interface tool for changing file and folder names to be more UNIX like. This is done by converting space white signs to floors and all uppercase letters to lowercase. Unixify also has the ability to rename folders and hidden files.


gotask is a easy to use command line interface tool for adding, removing and editing daily tasks in a database stored in your local filesystem.


Check out my github account for more! You can find some gems there.